DIY Green Cleaning Products For The Home

Cleaning your home is a routine task that helps maintain a healthy and comfortable living environment. However, many commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both your health and the environment. The good news is that you can create your own green cleaning products using simple and natural ingredients. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making your DIY green cleaning products, ensuring a safer and more sustainable approach to keeping your home clean.

DIY Green Cleaning Products For The Home

The Basics of Green Cleaning

Before we delve into the recipes for DIY green cleaning products, it is important to understand the principles behind green cleaning. Green cleaning involves using environmentally friendly and non-toxic ingredients to clean and disinfect your home. By opting for green cleaning products, you not only reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals but also contribute to a cleaner and greener planet.

Essential Ingredients

Creating your DIY green cleaning products doesn’t require a chemistry degree. To get started with DIY green cleaning, you will need a few essential ingredients that are readily available and cost-effective. These ingredients form the foundation of most green cleaning recipes: You can achieve excellent results with:

  • Baking Soda
  • White Vinegar
  • Castile Soap
  • Lemon Juice
  • Essential Oils (e.g., lavender, tea tree, lemon)
  • Citric Acid
  • Water

Baking Soda: Known for its gentle abrasive properties, baking soda helps scrub away dirt and stains without scratching surfaces.
White Vinegar: This kitchen staple is a versatile cleaner. Its mild acidity makes it effective at cutting through grease and grime on various surfaces.
Liquid Castile Soap: This biodegradable soap is a gentle yet effective cleaner, suitable for a variety of cleaning tasks.
Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is excellent at removing stains from these surfaces and can be used on its own as a stain remover.
Essential Oils: These natural oils, such as lavender, lemon, or tea tree, not only add a pleasant scent but also offer antibacterial properties.
Citric Acid: Citric acid, found in citrus fruits, is excellent for removing hard water stains and soap scum.
Water: Good old H2O is the base for most DIY cleaning solutions.

Specific Applications

Now, let’s look into the specific applications of DIY green cleaning products and how you can use them effectively throughout your home:


The heart of your home deserves a cleaning routine that’s safe and effective. Here’s how you can use DIY green cleaning products in the kitchen:

All-Purpose Cleaner: Use the all-purpose cleaner to clean countertops, sinks, and appliances. Its vinegar base cuts through grease and leaves surfaces sparkling.

Dishwasher Rinse Aid: Add white vinegar to your dishwasher’s rinse aid compartment to help prevent water spots on dishes.

Eco Friendly Kitchen Cleaners


Your bathroom can benefit from eco-friendly cleaning solutions to tackle soap scum, water stains, and more:

Bathroom Scrub: Use the bathroom scrub to clean bathtub, shower tiles, and sink surfaces. Its gentle abrasive action helps remove stains without harming the surfaces.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Keep your toilet bowl clean by using the simple yet effective toilet bowl cleaner. Baking soda and vinegar work together to break down stains.

Windows and Mirrors

For streak-free shine on glass surfaces, DIY green cleaning has you covered:

Glass and Mirror Cleaner: Spray the homemade glass and mirror cleaner on windows, mirrors, and glass surfaces. Its cornstarch component helps prevent streaks for a clear view.


Don’t forget your floors, where DIY green cleaning can maintain their cleanliness and freshness:

Floor Cleaner: Whether you have vinyl, tile, laminate, or hardwood floors, the DIY floor cleaner can effectively clean and leave a pleasant scent behind.

With these specific applications in mind, you can create a greener and cleaner home while enjoying the benefits of eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Making the switch to DIY green cleaning is a simple yet impactful step towards a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.

DIY Green Cleaning Recipes

Now, let’s dive into some DIY green cleaning recipes for common household cleaning tasks:

All-Purpose Cleaner

Our first DIY green cleaning solution is an all-purpose cleaner that can tackle a wide range of surfaces and messes. With just a few simple ingredients, you’ll have an effective cleaner that’s both eco-friendly and budget-friendly.

DIY Green Cleaning Recipes

Create a versatile all-purpose cleaner by combining the following ingredients in a spray bottle:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 10-15 drops of essential oil (for a pleasant scent)

Get a clean spray bottle, and pour equal parts white vinegar and water into the spray bottle. Add the baking soda and add a few drops of your chosen essential oil for a pleasant scent. Shake the bottle well to mix the ingredients. Shake the bottle before each use to ensure proper mixing.

Or you can use this version:

  • 1 cup of white vinegar
  • 1 cup of water
  • A few drops of your favorite essential oil (e.g., lavender, lemon, or tea tree)

Get a clean spray bottle. Pour equal parts white vinegar and water into the spray bottle. Add a few drops of your chosen essential oil for a pleasant scent. Essential oils like lavender, lemon, or tea tree not only provide a delightful fragrance but also offer antibacterial properties. Shake the bottle well to mix the ingredients.

This all-purpose cleaner is perfect for cleaning kitchen countertops, sinks, bathroom surfaces, and more. The vinegar’s mild acidity helps cut through grease and grime, while the essential oils leave a refreshing scent behind. Shake the bottle before each use to ensure proper mixing.

*Do not use on granite or varnished wood surfaces as the vinegar may cause damage.

Glass and Mirror Cleaner

Are you tired of streaky, smudged mirrors and windows? You can create a streak-free homemade glass and mirror cleaner with just a few ingredients.

  • 2 cups of water
  • 1/4 cup of white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol

Mix them in a spray bottle, shake, and use as needed for crystal-clear glass surfaces.

You can also use the following:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch

Mix 1 cup of water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle. Add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch to the mixture. Shake the bottle vigorously to ensure the cornstarch is well-dissolved.

Use these homemade glass and mirror cleaners on windows, mirrors, and glass surfaces for a streak-free shine.

DIY Glass and Mirror Cleaner

Tile and Grout Cleaner

Tackling tough grime on bathroom tiles? Try this DIY solution:

  • 1/2 cup of baking soda
  • 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap

Apply the mixture to the tile and grout, scrub, and rinse for a sparkling clean bathroom.

Bathroom Scrub

Your bathroom deserves some eco-friendly love too! Say goodbye to soap scum, water stains, and mineral deposits with this homemade bathroom scrub.

  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • 1/4 cup of liquid castile soap

In a bowl, combine 1 cup of baking soda and 1/4 cup of liquid castile soap. Stir the mixture until it forms a paste-like consistency. Apply the paste to the surfaces you want to clean, such as the bathtub, shower tiles, or sink. Use a sponge or scrub brush to scrub away dirt and stains. Rinse the surfaces thoroughly with water.

This bathroom scrub is gentle yet effective, making it ideal for cleaning bathroom surfaces without scratching them. The baking soda provides a slight abrasive action to tackle stains, while the liquid castile soap helps break down grime and soap scum.

Wood Furniture Polish

This homemade solution not only restores the wood’s natural lustre but also provides nourishment and protection. It’s a simple yet effective way to care for your furniture while contributing to a greener and healthier home environment.

Revive your wooden furniture with a natural polish:

  • 1/4 cup of olive oil
  • 1/4 cup of white vinegar

Mix these ingredients in a container and apply sparingly to your wooden furniture for a beautiful shine.

Wood Furniture Polish

Floor Cleaner

Your floors endure daily foot traffic, so it’s essential to keep them clean and fresh without using harsh chemicals. This DIY floor cleaner is suitable for various floor types.

  • 1/4 cup of white vinegar
  • 1 gallon of warm water
  • 10 drops of essential oil (e.g., lemon or lavender)

Fill a bucket with 1 gallon of warm water. Add 1/4 cup of white vinegar to the water. Drop in 10 drops of your chosen essential oil for a pleasant fragrance. Mix the solution well.

This DIY floor cleaner is suitable for vinyl, tile, laminate, and hardwood floors. The vinegar helps break down dirt and grime, while the essential oil adds a pleasant scent to your home. Use a mop or cloth to clean your floors with this eco-friendly solution.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Keeping your toilet bowl clean and sanitary is a top priority. With this DIY toilet bowl cleaner, you can ensure a sparkling toilet without harsh chemicals.

Baking soda
1/4 cup White vinegar

Sprinkle baking soda liberally into the toilet bowl. Pour 1/4 cup of white vinegar into the bowl. Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes to fizz and work its magic. Scrub the toilet bowl with a toilet brush to remove stains and dirt. Flush the toilet to rinse.

This simple yet effective toilet bowl cleaner uses the power of baking soda and vinegar to break down stains and leave your toilet bowl sparkling clean. It’s a safe and eco-friendly alternative to commercial toilet bowl cleaners.

Benefits of DIY Green Cleaning

By switching to DIY green cleaning products, you reap several benefits:

  • Healthier Home: Harsh chemicals found in commercial cleaners can be harmful to your family’s health. By switching to DIY green cleaning, you eliminate exposure to these chemicals, creating a safer and healthier living environment.
  • Cost-Effective: Making your own cleaning solutions can be incredibly budget-friendly. Many of the ingredients, such as white vinegar and baking soda, are affordable and have multiple uses, making them a cost-effective choice.
  • Eco-Friendly: Reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the environment. Traditional cleaning products often contain harmful chemicals that can end up in the environment, harming aquatic life and polluting waterways. DIY green cleaning reduces your use of these pollutants, contributing to a cleaner planet.
  • Customisation: With DIY green cleaning, you have the flexibility to choose your favorite essential oils for a personalised and pleasant fragrance in your cleaning solutions. Say goodbye to overpowering chemical odors.

With these benefits in mind, there’s no reason not to start making your own DIY green cleaning products today. It’s a small change that can have a significant impact on your home and the environment.

Safety Tips

While DIY green cleaning products are generally safe for home use, it’s essential to follow a few safety precautions:

Safety Tips While DIY green cleaning

Label Your Containers: Store your homemade cleaning solutions in clearly labelled containers to avoid confusion.
Keep Out of Reach: Ensure that these solutions are stored out of the reach of children and pets.
Protect Your Skin: If you have sensitive skin, consider wearing gloves when using cleaning solutions.
Essential Oils: Be cautious with essential oils, especially around children and pets. Some essential oils may not be suitable for all situations.
Avoid Mixing: Never mix vinegar with bleach or hydrogen peroxide, as this combination can produce harmful fumes.
Test Patch: Test your DIY cleaners on a small, inconspicuous area before using them on delicate surfaces.
Correct Disposal Of Containers: Dispose of empty containers properly, following local recycling guidelines.

By following these safety guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of DIY green cleaning without any concerns.

Additional DIY Green Cleaning Recipes

Now that you’ve learned some basic DIY green cleaning recipes, let’s expand your repertoire with a few more versatile solutions for common cleaning challenges:

Oven Cleaner

Tackling baked-on grease and grime in your oven can be a daunting task, but with this DIY oven cleaner, it becomes more manageable:

  • 1/2 cup of baking soda
  • 2-3 tablespoons of water (or more as needed to form a paste)

Apply the paste to the interior of your oven, avoiding the heating elements. Let it sit overnight, then scrub and wipe away the residue for a clean oven.

Carpet Stain Remover

Spills and stains on your carpet are inevitable, but you can effectively remove them with this DIY carpet stain remover:

  • 1/4 cup of white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda

Blot the stain with a clean cloth to absorb excess liquid, then apply the mixture and gently blot until the stain is gone.

Disinfectant Spray

For times when disinfecting is essential, create your own disinfectant spray using natural ingredients:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/4 cup of white vinegar
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • 10 drops of lavender oil

Spray the mixture on surfaces and allow it to sit for a few minutes before wiping clean.

Long-Term Sustainability

By incorporating DIY green cleaning into your routine, you not only contribute to a healthier home but also make a positive impact on the environment. Consider these long-term sustainability tips:

  • Buy ingredients in bulk to reduce packaging waste.
  • Reuse and refill spray bottles to minimise plastic consumption.
  • Explore zero-waste cleaning tools, such as reusable cloths and scrub brushes.
  • Share your green cleaning knowledge with friends and family to encourage eco-friendly practices.

DIY green cleaning


In conclusion, making your own DIY green cleaning products is a simple yet effective way to maintain a clean and healthy home while being environmentally conscious. By using natural ingredients, you not only protect your health but also contribute to a sustainable future. So, why not give it a try and enjoy the benefits of a cleaner, safer, and greener home?

With a wide range of versatile recipes at your disposal, you can tackle various cleaning challenges while reducing your environmental footprint. DIY green cleaning is a step towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, and it all begins with the simple ingredients you have in your kitchen.

So, why wait? Gather your ingredients, create your first batch of DIY green cleaning products, and experience the satisfaction of a cleaner, greener home. Your family, your wallet, and the planet will thank you.



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DIY Green Cleaning Products For The Home

DIY Green Cleaning Products For The Home

Cleaning your home is a routine task that helps maintain a healthy and comfortable living environment. However, many commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that